
What We Do


Mitigation of climate changes

We work towards Mitigation of Climate Changes happening around us.

Climate change mitigation consists of actions to limit global warming and its related effects. This involves reductions in human emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) as well as activities that reduce their concentrations in the atmosphere. Fossil fuel combustion accounts for 89% of all CO 2 emissions and 68% of all GHG emissions. The most important challenge is to eliminate the use of coal, oil and gas and substitute them with clean energy sources. Due to massive price drops, wind power and solar photovoltaics (PV) are increasingly out-competing oil, gas and coal though these require energy storage and improved electrical grids. Once that low-emission energy is deployed at large scale, transport and heating can shift to these mostly electric sources. Mitigation of climate change may also be achieved by changes in agriculture, reforestation and forest preservation and improved waste management. Methane emissions, which have a high short-term impact, can be targeted by reductions in cattle and more generally by reducing meat consumption.


Conservation of plants and animals

We work towards conservation of plants and animals.

Plants and animals are the backbone of life on the Earth; it is important to conserve them and save them from getting extinct, maintaining their right population that help in enriching the biodiversity or the richness of flora and fauna worldwide. Deforestation or cutting down trees is considered as one of the major problems associated with the conservation of plants and animals.


Protection of endangered species

We work towards protection of endangered species of animals and their rehabilitations.

The Endangered Species protection is very important because it saves our native fish, plants, and other wildlife from going extinct. Once gone, they’re gone forever, and there’s no going back. Losing even a single species can have disastrous impacts on the rest of the ecosystem, because the effects will be felt throughout the food chain. From providing cures to deadly diseases to maintaining natural ecosystems and improving overall quality of life, the benefits of preserving threatened and endangered species are invaluable.


Work in tune with Govt. policies and guidelines

We follow amendments of Center and State Governments, Forest and Water Supply and Environment Ministry.

Follow all amendments distribute to the peoples

  • Environment Act 1986
  • Forest Act 1980
  • Water Act – 1974
  • Air Act 1981
  • Wild Life conservation Act 1972
  • Waste Management Rules 2016
  • Draft Plastic Waste Management Rule March 2021
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Rehabilitation of animals

We aim to rescue animals from poachers, snake charmers, vendors and jugglers.

The goal of wildlife rehabilitation is to provide professional care to sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals so ultimately they can be returned to their natural habitat. Wild animals that sustain injuries or illnesses preventing them from living successfully in the wild usually are euthanized (have their suffering ended in a humane fashion). Occasionally, individual animals that have recovered from their injuries but are not able to survive in the wild are placed in educational facilities. Wildlife rehabilitation is not an attempt to turn wild animals into pets. Patients are held in captivity only until able to live independently in the wild. Fear of humans is a necessary survival trait for wild animals and every effort is made to minimize human contact and prevent the taming of rehabilitation patients.


Spreading environmental awareness

We spread awareness about environment by dramas, lectures, seminars, walks, celebration of specific days like environment day.

Environmental awareness make us realize the pressing need to take immediate action to stop harming the environment and start restoring the damage we have done to it. Unless there is awareness, there is no action – or at least no proper action. And this action must start from the individual level and spread through the people and organisations we know. Once we have a thorough understanding of the environmental issues such as deforestation, environmental pollution, water crisis, global warming and climate change, loss of biodiversity etc. every one of our actions will come out of a place of concern for our surroundings, out of love for mother nature, out of the willingness to contribute towards sustainable development and make a positive change in the world.